Trademark Opposition
Trademark opposition is a vital legal procedure allowing third parties to challenge the registration of a trademark. This process ensures that only trademarks which are distinctive, non-deceptive, and non-conflicting are granted registration. By filing an opposition, parties can prevent the registration of marks that might infringe on their rights or cause marketplace confusion.
CORPINDEX offers expert assistance in navigating the trademark opposition process. Contact us today for professional guidance and support throughout every stage of the trademark registration process.
Step | Description |
1. Publication | The trademark is published in the Trademark Journal for public review. |
2. Notice of Opposition | Opposing party files a notice within four months of publication using Form TM-O. |
3. Counter-Statement | Applicant responds with a counter-statement within two months of receiving the notice. |
4. Evidence Submission | Both parties submit evidence supporting their claims. |
5. Hearing | A hearing is conducted where both parties present arguments. |
6. Decision | The Registrar makes a decision to uphold or reject the opposition. |
Event | Timeline |
Publication in Trademark Journal | Immediately after examination |
Notice of Opposition Filing | Within 4 months from publication |
Counter-Statement Filing | Within 2 months of receiving notice |
Evidence Submission | Within 2 months from filing counter-statement |
Hearing Date | Varies based on case progress |
Decision | After hearing or review of evidence |